Session 2 Wed 20 July

SESSION 2   20 July 2022

Digital Twins for Power Equipment


ZOOM meeting Link

ZOOM meeting No:848 6435 9471 


Session Host :主持人

·  Prof Xuzhu Dong, Associate Dean, School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan University 


·  Prof Zhongdong Wang, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean, College of Engineering, University of Exeter


Programme 日程安排

•   15:00-15:30 China 08:00-08:30 UK

01 Research on the application of digital twin technology in substation inspection

01 数字孪生技术在变电站巡检中的应用研究

Yang Yang,Senior Engineer,China Electric Power Research Institute

杨洋,中国电力科学研究院有限公司 高级工程师

•   15:30-16:00 China / 08:30-09:00 UK

02 Topic TBD 


Nick Tune, Technical & Technology Director, Engineering & Design Global Practice,Atkins

Nick Tune,工程与全球设计实践,技术总监,  Atkins

•   16:00-16:30 China 09:00-09:30 UK

03 Research on GIS equipment and transmission line state evaluation based on digital twin

03 基于数字孪生的GIS设备和输电线路状态评估技术研究

Shuai Zhang,Researcher,China Southern Power Grid, CSG Electric Power Research Institute 

张帅,南方电网科学研究院 研究员 博士

•   16:30-17:00 China /  09:30-10:00 UK

04 Topic TBD


Yacine Rezgui,Professor of  School of Engineering, Cardiff University

Prof. Yacine Rezgui,卡迪夫大学工程学院教授

•   17:00-17:30 China 10:00-10:30 UK

05 Framework and technologies of digital twin for power equipment

05 电气设备数字孪生框架与关键技术

Yu Zheng, Associate Research Fellow, Wuhan University

郑宇,武汉大学 副研究员 博士后

•   17:30-18:30 China  /  10:30-11:30 UK

Discussion and Answers 互动讨论