Sponsorship Opportunity

ACDC 2024 Sponsorship package.pdf

Sponsoring or exhibiting at this event will place your organization in a unique position to promote your brand, your products and services and position your company as the key player within this industry sector.


The IET uses an extensive marketing campaign to inform our members and relevant database contacts of our events programme to ensure the highest attendance and quality of guests.


For many companies, a sponsor partnership with the IET has become an integral part of their marketing mix, delivering a hard-to-achieve blend of branding, positioning, association and critically, face-to-face interaction with the people that matter.

If you would like to be a sponsor at ACDC 2024 conference, please refer to below sponsorship package or contact our Events Manager Ting Ting Liu: +86 (0) 10 6566 4687 ext. 222 or email to: tliu@theiet.org