About ICV 2016
Following the success of the 2014 IET International Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Conference held in Chongqing, China, we are very pleased to collaborate again with the leading automotive research Institute in China CAERI to bring another exciting event in the IET transport sector to Chongqing. ICV 2016 will be focusing on intelligent and connected vehicles technologies and will discuss current developments and future trends. This time we follow a call for paper format for the conference working in collaboration with Chongqing University we will involve some of the best experts from both industry and academia worldwide. We will benefit from these experts participating in the organization of the conference thus ensuring its highest standards and quality.
The conference will be a mixture of technical presentations and poster displays and offers the participants the opportunity to visit the research lab within CAERI.
Manufacturers and suppliers will be able to display their products and showcase their latest technologies at the conference and introduce them in Chongqing, the hub of the China automotive industry.