19 - 20 October 2017 | Wuhan, China | Early bird registration deadline is 4 Sept. 2017                

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Special Invited Session

Besides the general sessions for RPG 2017 which open to the public for paper submission (see Technical Scope for more information about the general sessions), we are pleased to announce that RPG 2017 will include some Special Invited Sessions which are organised and chaired by the leading experts in the Renewable Power Generation sector.

Topics of these invited sessions are chosen based on their expertise and research interest. Submission to the invited sessions is BY INVITATION ONLY however if you would like to submit to one of the invited sessions please contact the session chair and discuss your paper BEFORE submitting. Otherwise your paper will be moved to the general session for consideration of acceptance. All delegates are very welcomed to attend both general sessions as well as invited sessions during the conference.

1.  Grid Codes Issues 

Session chairDr. Yongning CHI (chiyn@epri.sgcc.com.cn) , China Electric Power Research Institute, China. 

Chief Engineer, Ph.D, Research fellow engineer. Renewable Energy Research Centre. Secretary of IEC 8A-Grid integration of renewable energy generation 

Co-chair: TBC

2.  Power Prediction of Renewable Energy 

Session chairDr. Shuanglei FENG(fengsl@epri.sgcc.com.cn), China Electric Power Research Institute, China

Director, senior engineer, renewable energy research centre, resource assessment and power prediction division

Co-chair: TBC

3.  Models and Validations 

Session chairDr. Hua GENG (genghua@tsinghua.edu.cn) , Tsinghua University, China. 

Dr. Eng. Associate Professor, Department of Automation

Co-chair: TBC

4.  Power System Resilience Enhancement under New Energy Paradigm 

Session chairDr. Yunhe HOU (yhhou@eee.hku.hk) , University of Hong Kong, China

Assistant Professor, department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering 

Co-chair: Prof. Wei SUN (sun@ucf.edu), University of Central Florida, USA

5.  Inertial and Dynamic Frequency Issues 

Session chair: Prof. Jing MA (hdmajing@ncepu.edu.cn) , North China Electric Power University, China

Associate Prof.  Ph.D, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, North China Electric Power University, China

Co-chair: Jiebei ZHU (jiebei.zhu@nationalgrid.com), IET Chartered Engineer, National Grid, UK


6.  Harmonics and Harmonic Stability

Session chair: Prof. Zhikang SHUAI (shuaizhikang-001@163.com) , Hunan University, China

Ph.D, Professor, College of Electrical & Information Engineering 

Co-chair: TBC

7.  Power System Relay Protection with Large Scale Renewables 

Session chair: Prof. Guobing SONG (song.gb@mail.xjtu.edu.cn) , Xi’an Jiao Tong University, China

Ph.D, Professor, School of Electrical Engineering

Co-chair: TBC

8.  Sub/super-synchronous resonances/oscillations 

Session chair: Prof. Xiaorong XIE (xiexr@tsinghua.edu.cn) , Tsinghua University, China

Ph.D.  Associate professor, Department of Electrical Engineering 

Co-chair:  Xiongfei WANG (xwa@et.aau.dk), Aalborg University, Denmark

9.  Power System Stability with Highly-penetrated Renewables 

Session chair: Prof. Huanhai XIN (xinhh@zju.edu.cn) , Zhejiang University, China

Ph.D, Professor, associate director at School of Electrical Engineering. Power System and Its Automation. 

Co-chair: Prof. Qiuwei WU ( qw@elektro.dtu.dk), Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

10.  Economical Dispatch for Power System with Large Scale Renewable Energy 

Session chair: Prof. Jian XU (xujian@whu.edu.cn) , Wuhan University, China

Associate Dean, Professor, Ph.D, School of Electrical Engineering 

Co-chair: Assistant Professor, Jun Zhang, ( Jun.Zhang@du.edu ) University of Denver

11.  Transient Fault Control and Operation in Weak AC Grid 

Session chair: Prof. Jun YAO (topyj@163.com) , Chongqing University, China

Ph.D, Professor at State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology

Co-chair: TBC 

12.  DC Networks for Large-scale Renewable Energy Integration 

Session chair: Professor Miao ZHU (miaozhu@sjtu.edu.cn) , Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Research Professor, Ph.D supervisor. SJTU Wind Power Research Centre, PI. State Energy Smart Grid R&D Centre, Vice Director

Co-chair: Weilin LI (liweilin907@126.com), Northwestern Polytechnical University, China