19 - 20 October 2017 | Wuhan, China | Early bird registration deadline is 4 Sept. 2017                

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Technical scope

The RPG 2017 organising committee welcomes contributions in the following areas of renewable power generation:

Contributions can range from research concepts and ideas to technical issues and industrial applications, and are encouraged from (but not limited to) the themes and topics in the following areas:

A.   Wind technology

  • Drive train options and power conversion
  • Spatial and temporal characteristics of the wind resource (including forecasting)
  • Wind turbine and wind farm control
  • Wakes and wind farm design
  • Offshore wind and HVDC connection
  • Operations and maintenance (including condition monitoring)
  • Floating wind turbines
  • Foundations for offshore wind turbines
  • Active and reactive power control for grid support
  • Extending wind plant life


 B.   PV systems technology

  • PV system design and performance
  • Power conversion and grid interaction
  • MPPT algorithms
  • Integration of PV into buildings and infrastructure
  • O&M
  • Lifetime and reliability

    C.   Energy storage for renewable sources
  • Integration of renewable sources and energy storage devices
  • Power converters for storage technologies

    D.   Power systems integration issues
  • Resources diversity and optimization
  • Demand side management and energy storage
  • Power systems operation and stability with high RE penetration
  • Network services from renewable energy generation
  • Market design and operation
  • Impact on distribution systems of distributed generation
  • DC distribution systems
  • Renewable energy forecasting
  • Compliance with system security and quality standards
  • Remote control of renewable sources
  • Use of HVDC or low-frequency transmission

    E.   Other renewable energy sources
  • Geothermal power generation
  • Marine renewable energy (wave and tidal stream)
  • Solar thermal power generation
  • Power generation from biomass
  • Hybrid system combining multiple energy sources, with or without storage

    F.   Technology, policy and market options for power system flexibility
  • Market support structures and the inclusion of energy storage
  • Ancillary services market and renewable energy generation