19 - 20 October 2017 | Wuhan, China | Early bird registration deadline is 4 Sept. 2017                

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Why submit

Where will your papers be published? 

A special issue of the IET Renewable Power Generation Journal will be published based on selected papers from the conference.

The IET guarantees that successful authors will:

  • Present their paper at RPG 2017
  • Have their final paper published in the official conference proceedings
  • Have their final paper published on IET Digital Library 
  • Have their paper indexed by IET Inspec,  IEEE Xplore and submitted to Ei Compendex for consideration for indexing

Information 'i' logo

IET Conference Proceedings

Your paper will be published in the official conference proceedings which is identified by an International Standard Book Number and recognised as a commercial publication. All conference delegates receive a free copy as part of their registration fee.


IET Inspec (logo)

IET Inspec is a major indexing database and incredibly valuable source for scientists, engineers and information professionals around the world. The Inspec database contains nearly 12 million bibliographic abstracts and indexing to journal articles, conference proceedings, technical reports and other literature in the fields of science and technology.

Inspec Direct is the English-language bibliographic information service providing access to the world's scientific and technical literature via a precision research tool with sophisticated support functionality that allows users to analyse, store and communicate their findings.

IET Digital Library (logo)
The IET Digital Library holds more than 100,000 technical papers from 1994 onwards for all IET journals, magazines, conference and seminar proceedings. Highly cited journals are available alongside the IET's member magazine E&T, plus seminar and conference publications.
IEEE Explore (logo)

Delivering full text access to the world's highest quality technical literature in engineering and technology, IEEE Xplore is a scholarly research database that publishes abstracts, and provides full-text for articles and papers on computer science, electrical engineering and electronics.

The IEEE Xplore database contains over two million records which is almost one third of the world’s current literature in electrical engineering, communications and computer science.