19 - 20 October 2017 | Wuhan, China | Early bird registration deadline is 4 Sept. 2017                

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About the conference


Renewables are becoming the largest source of new power generation capacity in the world. The fast growth of the renewables are driven by the higher power demand, diversification needs and pollution concerns and it is gradually shifting to emerging markets and developing countries like China. Increasingly affordable renewables are set to dominate the growing power systems of the world. 

RPG series conference is aimed to bring the world leading researchers, academics, and industry and business leaders to meet and share the most advanced information, technologies as well as the latest research results in the renewable power generation sector. And we are happy to announce that the 6th IET Renewable Power Generation Conference (RPG 2017) is coming back to China again, to be held on 19-20 October 2017 in Wuhan, China. 

RPG 2015 in Beijing


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